The NRC and ROC will be holding our Annual Meetings in conjunction with the Resource Recycling Conference on Monday, September 28 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown in Indianapolis, IN. All members are encouraged to attend!

Other NRC events in conjunction with the Resource Recycling Conference include Board meetings on Monday, September 28 and Tuesday, September 29 and the Murray J. Fox Scholarship and NRC Annual Awards Presentation Lunch and the NRC Roundtable on How ROs and Communities Can Move to SMM on Wednesday, September 30. Register for the Resource Recycling Conference here and see the full schedule of NRC events below.


Monday, September 28
9-10am, NRC Board Meeting, Room: Florida/Illinois
10am-12pm, NRC Annual Membership Meeting and Candidates Forum, Room: Indiana Ballroom A-C
1-4:30pm, Recycling Organizations Council Meeting (ROC), Room: Florida/Illinois
Tuesday, September 29
12:15-1:30pm, NRC Board Meeting, Room: Indiana Ballroom AB
Wednesday, September 30
12-1pm, Murray J. Fox Scholarship and NRC Annual Awards Presentation Lunch, Room: Indiana Ballroom AB
3-5pm, NRC Roundtable on How ROs and Communities Can Move to SMM, Room: Indiana Ballroom AB

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