Register Now for the National Zero Waste Conference!

Alicia Culver, ED of the Responsible Purchasing Network will be participating in the Upcycler’s Network and the NRC’s Buy Recycled Campaign forum on marketing and buying recycled at the National Zero Waste Conference 2020, March 18th and 19th.  Register today!

NRC/PRMC January Webinar

Register now for the January 21st NRC/PRMC Webinar from 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. ET. Our presenter, Carole Mars will present on: Advancing Circular Economies in Electronics – The Battery Challenge. Sign up now!

National Zero Waste Conference Early Registration Deadline!

Plan on joining the NRC and national and international experts at the National Zero Waste Conference in Berkeley, CA on March 18 -19, 2020. Early Bird registration deadline coming soon! Don’t miss out on lower prices. Information can be found …Continue Reading→

NRC National Zero Waste Conference Coming Soon!!

Plan on joining the NRC and national and international experts at the National Zero Waste Conference in Berkeley, CA on March 18 -19, 2020 to get the latest updates and best practices to get to Zero Waste. Registration is now …Continue Reading→

NRC/RMC October Webinar is Today!

Don’t miss the NRC/RMC October Webinar today October 29th from 1:30 to 2:45 EDT. The topic of today’s webinar is: “Repurposing Discarded Materials.” Damon Carson, Founder and President of repurposedMaterials will be sharing his knowledge on this topic. Register here.

NRC Recycling Markets Workshop On 10/7

Register now for the Oct 7, 2019 NRC/STAR Market Dvpt Workshop in San Antonio to hear about all about recycling market development, what TX is doing to make recycling market dvpt work, how it’s done from curbside to MRF to market, …Continue Reading→

Last minutes to vote in the NRC Board Elections

You still have time to cast your votes for the 2019-20 NRC Board of Directors. Look for electronic voting instructions in your inbox (or spam filter). Candidate info can be found on the NRC website.

NRC/SERDC Welcome Reception at RR Conference in NOLA

A few tickets are still available for tonight’s Welcome Reception. Don’t wait or you will miss out on this great networking opportunity just two blocks from the Sheraton. TWO free drink tickets are included in your admission as well as …Continue Reading→

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