View the original press release from Resource Recycling Systems

January 31, 2017, Ann Arbor, Mich.  – Sustainability and recycling consultancy RRS, announced today affiliate senior consultant Bob Gedert has been voted to the Association of Ohio Recyclers (AOR) member-at-large board of directors position.

Mr. Gedert recently moved back to Ohio and joined RRS to work with municipalities and organizations in the public sector to advance recycling and composting efforts and move toward zero waste goals.

Previous to RRS, Mr. Gedert served as the Austin Resource Recovery department director leading services including recycling, solid waste collection, household hazardous waste, and yard waste. His previous experience in Ohio included solid waste district director for Auglaize County, recycling director for Highland County, and operations manager for the Cincinnati Experience. He also has public sector recovery experience with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and Fresno, Calif.

As an AOR Board member, Mr. Gedert is responsible for actively supporting the AOR Mission to promote and advance waste reduction, reuse and recycling through statewide leadership, communication, research, education and networking opportunities.

“I am excited to returning to Ohio and working with recyclers throughout the state” stated Mr. Gedert. “It is through organizations like the Association of Ohio Recyclers that recycling and composting collection knowledge can be shared and a positive impact made on our local environment.”

AOR is a non-profit organization with a focus on advancing waste reduction, reuse and recycling. More information can be found at

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