NRC Recycling Congress
March 5 & 6, 2024

The Recycling Congress theme is: Challenges – The Nuts & Bolts of Recycling and the Policy & The Big Picture for the recycling industry with a perspective on waste and recycling impacts to Climate, Circularity and Sustainable Materials Management.

Featured Special Guests speakers and presentations include:

  • Heidi Sanborn and Jordan Wells;  National Stewardship Action Council

  • Scott Defife; National Glass Institute

  • Andrew Stephans; White House Council on Environmental Quality

  • Zeynep Çelikel ; The United Nations

  • Hilary French; United Nations Environmental Programme

  • Nena Shaw; Environmental Protection Agency

Select from eighteen learning and networking sessions:

  • Be a better Relative- On the Path to Inclusivity

  • Bringing Food Service Reuse to Life

  • Compliance Tools and Methods

  • Reuse and Recycling Assets as part of Affordable Housing

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Glass Recycling and Methods to Collect More Clean Glass

  • Cups and Cartons: Better Together

  • Finding a Common Thread: Visualizing Textile Repair in NYC

  • Modeling EPR Effects

  • Panel Discussion Plastics- Turning off the Tap in North America

  • Skill-Building: Marketing Trends to Know and Embrace

  • Circular Economy Development Center- Colorado

  • Environmental Justice Implications of Green Tech

  • Monetizing the Social Effects for Recycling

  • Plastic Bag Recycling – A National Issue

  • Students are Zero-Waste Superheroes (K-12 Earth Warrior School Program)

  • The Silver Lining of National Sword – Positive Impacts to Recycling Systems in North America

  • Circularity for Recycling Organizations

  • Communication Strategies to Build Confidence in Recycling


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National Recycling Coalition
Box 314, 1151 Eagle Drive
Loveland, CO 80537

Copyright 2023, National Recycling Coalition. All rights reserved.

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