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Board of Director Elections

2024 NRC Board of Directors Elections is completed.  Thank you to everyone who submitted their applications and to those who voted 

Get to know the new Board of Directors 

The next round of elections will be in the fall of 2025.  There will be several board seats up for reelection or change.  If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please apply.


Board of Directors Candidate Qualifications

  • To run in the election you must be a member of NRC in good standing, current in your membership, and have been a member for at least one year.
  • Your membership can be through an individual membership, business membership, or through our affiliate program.  If you’re unsure of your membership, please reach out to so we can check for you.
  • Additional write-in candidates may be included on the ballot as well if nominated during the annual members meeting. Write-ins will be disqualified if they are not current in their membership for one year.
  • Being a Board Member is a public position, thus your name, title, organization, headshot image, bio, and email address will be public information.
  • The election term is for three years 


Annual Members Meeting 

  • The Candidates are announced at the Annual Members Meeting held in the fall.
  • A link to the virtual meeting will be emailed to our listserv and all members.
  • During the annual members meeting you will have the opportunity to hear updates from NRC, meet the candidates that are part of the slate, as well as make nominations from the “floor”.

Election Details

  • If you are a member of NRC, you will receive an electronic ballot via email.
  • If you do not receive the ballot email and believe that you should have, after checking your spam folder, please contact us at so we can ensure you receive the ballot.
  • All current NRC members in good standing and affiliate members are eligible to vote in the election.
  • The elections are held annually and are electronic only.  If you are not sure if you are a voting member, email us at  and we would be glad to verify.



Election FAQs 

What are the requirements?

The voting members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be elected at the annual meeting of members of the Corporation by a plurality of the votes of the members present in person or by proxy at the meeting to hold office until the expiration of the term for which each is elected, and until a successor has been elected and has qualified. For the purpose of voting-related to Board of Director candidates, the members shall be presented with a slate that reflects the diversity of the corporation. Directors shall assume their duties at the first meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled after the annual meeting of members at which they are elected; the date and location as determined time to time by resolution of the Board.

All elected Directors shall be at least 18 years of age. Each Director shall have been a member of the Corporation in good standing for not less than one year prior to assuming office, or shall be the officially designated representative of an organization which has been a member of the Corporation in good standing for not less than one year prior to the assumption of office by such Director. No Director who has completed two consecutive terms shall be qualified for reelection to the Board for a period of two years following completion of those consecutive terms.

All Directors elected shall hold office for a term of three years and until their successors shall be elected and shall qualify, or until they resign or are removed. Any Director elected to fill an unexpired term (whether resulting from death, resignation or removal or created by an increase in the number of Directors) shall hold office for such unexpired term and thereafter until the successor of such Director is elected and shall qualify. Directors may be elected or designated to no more than two consecutive terms.

What is the process?

The Slate Committee, which governs over the NRC elections, solicits Board nominations each summer, and develops a qualified list of candidates, called a slate.  Additional candidates may offer their nominations from the floor at the annual Members Meeting. These nominees will have to be vetted to ensure they are a member in good standing and added to the electronic ballot.

The approved slate and any floor nominations are put on a ballot before the NRC members for election. The amount of open Board seats are filled with the candidates that garner the highest vote counts. The elected candidates take their seats on the Board of Directors at the first Board meeting after the Member’s Meeting.

Some terms may be partial depending on the year and if a term was vacated early by a board member or was an appointed seat. 

How long is a term?

Board members are elected for three-year terms, with a certain number of Board members who have an expiring term each year.  Board members can serve two consecutive three year terms, after which they term out.  Former board members can run for the board again after taking two years off. 

NRC 2023 Platinum GuideStart Rating

National Recycling Coalition
Box 314, 1151 Eagle Drive
Loveland, CO 80537

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