Check out the National Recycling Coalition’s (NRC) webinars on February 11th and 18th on the “Recyclers Guide to Understanding SMM.” In preparation for the National Sustainable Materials Management Summit, NRC is conducting these two webinars to assist our members in better understanding the definition and applications for SMM in their own programs and communities. These informational webinars are designed to help members prepare for active participation in the Summit. Members are encouraged to attend both, as together they are designed to help build knowledge and expertise in SMM in advance of the Summit.


Recyclers Guide to Understanding SMM, Part I

Date: February 11, 2015

Time: 1:00 – 2:00pm EST

Cost: Free


“Why NRC has organized the SMM Summit” Mark Lichtenstein, President and CEO, National Recycling Coalition and Executive Director, Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions

“EPA’s SMM definition, policies, and programs” Elizabeth Resek, Chief, Municipal Source Reduction Branch, USEPA HQ

“What do NRC members currently do with SMM” Julie L. Rhodes, Co-Chair, NRC Sustainable Materials Management Summit Committee and President, Julie L. Rhodes Consulting


Recyclers Guide to Understanding SMM, Part II

Date: February 18, 2015

Time: 1:00 – 2:00pm EST

Cost: Free


“How recycling managers can best contribute to achieving SMM” David Allaway, Policy and Program Analyst, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

“What support for local SMM initiatives should be in a National SMM Plan” Gary Liss, Co-Chair, NRC Sustainable Materials Management Summit Committee and President, Gary Liss & Associates



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