PepsiCo’s Recycle Rally diverts 10 million pounds of recyclables
Program makes recycling ‘understandable, relevant and rewarding’ at more than 6,000 schools in US.Continue Reading→
California Senate passes plastic pollution reduction act
The bill states that retailers must achieve 75 percent reduction in waste generated from single-use packaging by 2030.Continue Reading→
Maryland Becomes Second State to Ban Plastic Foam Containers
In less than a month, Maryland has joined Maine in passing the legislation.Continue Reading→
What’s California’s True Recycling Story?
The less-told story is that California, like other states, is feeling the pain of a persistent, downturned commodities market streak.Continue Reading→
Canada to ban single-use plastics by 2021
Industry associations support the government’s objective to stop waste but suggest some changes to these goals.Continue Reading→
Two Ontario cities resume polystyrene recycling
Brockton and Hanover receive grants to expand processing capabilities.Continue Reading→
Malaysia returns tons of plastic scrap to exporting countries
Southeast Asian countries send containers of nonrecyclables back to UK, US, Canada and other nations.Continue Reading→
Vermont passes sweeping single-use plastics ban
The post Vermont passes sweeping single-use plastics ban appeared first on Resource Recycling News. With an overwhelming number of votes in favor, Vermont lawmakers have sent the governor a bill banning plastic bags, expanded polystyrene food service containers and plastic stir sticks. S.113 also creates a working group to explore ways
BIR 2019: A tight ceiling remains on stainless scrap pricing
Asia’s growing stainless steel production capacity is increasingly configured to use nickel pig iron, rather than scrap, as its main raw material.Continue Reading→
BIR 2019: Seeking to hold the high ground
The recycling industry is poised to capitalize on a lower carbon emissions future, but it may need to bolster its reputation first.Continue Reading→