July 28, 2015

The Honorable Keith Ellison
Member of Congress
2263 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515

The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) is pleased to endorse the “Zero Waste Development and Expansion Act.”

The Mission of the National Recycling Coalition is to partner with and facilitate activities between and among non-profit organizations (NGO’s), businesses, trade associations, individuals and government to maintain a prosperous and productive American recycling system that is committed to the conservation of natural resources.

In conjunction with source reduction, reuse, and composting, the recycling of valuable materials is essential to a sustainable environmental, energy, and economic future. The “Zero Waste Development and Expansion Act” will help communicate the following:

We believe that recycling is a shared responsibility which requires citizen engagement. The grants program established in your legislation will provide critical investment in infrastructure and technologies. This will help achieve the goal of a more sustainable America for our future. We look forward to continuing to work with you to achieve that future





Mark Lichtenstein
President and CEO

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