Wesley Schultz

Professor, California State University Wesley Schultz is Professor of Psychological Science at California State University, where he teaches courses in sustainability, social psychology, and statistics. His research focuses on the behavioral aspects of environmental issues, and he has conducted a number of widely-cited studies on recycling, energy and water conservation, littering and marine debris, and […]

Marissa Segundo

Strategic Communications Waste Lead, HDR Strategic Communications Waste Lead, HDR Marissa is a high-energy, insights-driven public relations strategist with nearly two decades of proven success in strategic planning, media relations, and measurable behavior change. Marissa’s unique recycling and waste industry knowledge bridges the gap from technical jargon for comprehensive public consumption. She focuses on opening […]

Aryeh Alex

Sustainability Manager, City of Columbus Aryeh Alex has spent his life working towards and advocating for a more just and equitable society. He currently leads the Keep Columbus Beautiful program with the City of Columbus where he works towards achieving the Climate Action Plan goals of waste reduction, recycling, and sustainability efforts. Aryeh previously held […]

Chaz Miller

CEO, MRA Chaz has over 45 years of experience in recycling and waste at the US EPA and the recycling and hauling industry. He currently serves as the Chair of the Montgomery County Maryland “Aiming for Zero Waste” Task Force. Chaz is an accomplished author of multiple publications in the waste management field and winner […]

Peter Adrian

Recycling Coordinator, SWALCO Peter has been with SWALCO since 2001, assisting various municipalities and organizations within Lake County, Illinois to decrease the toxicity and volume of waste disposed of in our landfills through the implementation of aggressive recycling and waste diversion initiatives. Pete holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Northern Illinois University. He is […]

Susan Collins

President, Container Recycling Institute Susan Collins is President of the Container Recycling Institute and has worked on recycling and sustainability issues for more than 25 years. She leads CRI’s research and works with environmental organizations, activists and governments around the world to educate on the benefits of packaging recycling. Ms. Collins has testified before the […]

Ann Gibbs

Research Analyst, Skumatz Economic Research Associates Ms. Gibbs has conducted community outreach for recycling programs and participated in social marketing research projects. She has conducted set out surveys and waste characterization studies. She manages many of Skumatz Economic Research Associate’s databases and models, including those focused on equipment in MRFs and curbside collection costs.

Jamie Kaminski

President, HSR Zero Waste Jamie Kaminski is President of HSR Zero Waste, a zero waste consultancy. He has over 30 years experience in recycling operations and resource management and over 12 years of experience in zero waste policy advocacy and development. He has been consulting for zero waste programs for over 7 years. He is […]

Sue Beets-Atkinson

Global VP of Sustainability, SBM Management Services Sue Beets-Atkinson is the Global Vice President of Sustainability for SBM Management Services, LP. With more than 29 years of resource management and recycling experience, she has successfully designed and implemented many large and complex recycling programs for a multitude of Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States. […]

Andrew Pieterse

CEO, Myplas USA Andrew started his career in London and spent most of it working for the energy giant bp. His 15 years with the company saw him take on commercial and finance roles in manufacturing, supply, logistics, strategy, sales & pricing across Europe, South Africa, and the United States. Already an investor in Myplas, […]

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