Senior Outreach, Education & Compliance Manager, RethinkWaste
Julia Au has been on the board of the Northern California Recycling Association (NCRA) since 2020 and served as the 2021 Co-Treasurer. She joined the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (DEI) at its inception in 2019, and she and Felisia Castañeda have served as DEI Co-Chairs since mid-2020. They were involved in the development of the 2020 and 2021 National Recycling Coalition JEDI webinars – Who Is At The Table? Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Waste and Recycling, and continue to organize on-line meetings and salons such as How To Create a Safe Space to Discuss Social Justice.
Julia has worked on environmental policy, outreach and education for over a decade while at RethinkWaste, San Mateo County, California Product Stewardship Council, San Francisco Department of the Environment and Californians Against Waste. She has been involved in a variety of programs and initiatives – from household hazardous waste outreach and policy to bag ban and safe medicine disposal ordinances and recycling and composting campaigns. Julia is passionate about motivating positive environmental behavior change and boosting awareness throughout the community via research, creative outreach, and sound policy. Julia holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning with a Water Quality emphasis from the University of California, Davis.