National Recycling Coalition/NSCB
Certified Sustainable Resource Management Professional – Summary of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): The following SLOs are required for accreditation. The order and grouping are for listing purposes and not representative of how classes should be organized.
Description of SLO
Sustainable Resource Management
1. Identify the fundamental principles and practices related to sustainable resource management including waste reduction and reuse; recycling collection; processing and marketing of commodities; composting of organics; and handling and recovery of construction and demolition (C&D) and other special materials, including hazardous materials.
2. Compare the various technical material management options – Waste-to-Energy (WTE), landfills, Municipal Recycling facilities (MRF’s), incineration, gasification, etc.
3. Describe the current trends in recycling practices, research, and market expansion
4. Explain the history of residential and commercial recycling systems/programs.
5. Explain the resource management system with command of the technical language and the tools employed to eliminate waste, reuse products and packaging, and use resources efficiently.
6. Incorporate sound management practices, the applicable resource management laws, regulations and policies; economically sound business practices; health and safety regulations and best practices into their everyday resource management work.
7. Identify full cost accounting principles related to sustainable resource management.
8. Identify local markets for highest and best use of recovered products and materials while evaluating carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, job potential and life cycles.
9. Design a communication plan aimed at increasing public awareness of and participation in SRM.
10. Describe the general constructs of contracts for services in your state.
11. Discuss the role of government in resource management, including important past pieces of legislation that shaped the industry.
12. Identify the types of careers associated with resource management, including the skill sets required for entry-level positions.
Culture and Sustainable Resource Management
1. Develop an effective outreach campaign strategy utilizing Social Media and Community Based Social Marketing (CBSM) in addition to face-to-face marketing tools.
2. Develop and present effective presentations, publications and exhibits that will enhance individual sustainable actions and habits.
Sustainable Resource Management and Communities
1. Explain how and why communities are adopting Sustainable Resource Management (SRM) and/or Zero Waste goals and plans, including how to develop community plans to eliminate waste and use sustainable resources efficiently.
2. Compare legislation, policies, programs and types of facilities needed for communities to improve waste management. Identify state and local structures that are barriers or incentives for initiatives.
3. Analyze markets and service opportunities for reuseables, repurposing, recoverables, recyclables and compostables for a variety of resources.
4. Identify Local Producer Responsibility policies and programs and advocate for Extended Producer Responsibility, and Green Chemistry policies and programs
5. Identify techniques to support and measure local economic development and job creation.
6. Identify key components of an effective Request for Proposal (RFP) or similar procurement process for program activities.
Sustainable Resource Management in Business
1. Describe the various types of waste streams and the businesses that create them (e.g. manufacturing, construction, hospitality)
2. Compare resource management services provided by different companies utilizing various types of strategies, technologies and/or equipment. This would include business fundamentals such as full cost accounting, life-cycle analysis and triple bottom line (economics, environment, and social equity).
3. Develop and conduct evaluations or surveys of materials and business practices to consider how companies could change practices to reduce waste generation.
4. Identify tools and metrics for businesses to design, implement and oversee waste reduction, reuse, repurposing, recycling and composting sustainable management programs (Green Business)
5. Discuss how collection/service contracts, property management contracts and policies of large companies might support or thwart resource management efforts.


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