Thank you for agreeing to speak at the 2021 National Zero Waste Virtual Conference! We are pleased to have you as a part of this amazing event. Click here to view/download the pdf version of this document.


___ a) Register for the Conference …..……………………. ASAP
___ b) Upload Bio and Headshot ………………………….. ASAP
___ c) Review Draft Schedule ………….……………….…. ASAP
___ d) Meet with Coordinator and Other Speakers … TBD – September/October
___ e) Zoom Presenter Training ……………………………. TBD – October (as needed)
___ f) Submit Slide Deck ………………………………………. TBD – Early November
___ g) Zoom Dry Run ………………….……………………….. TBD – Late November/Early December


a) Register for the Conference ……. ASAP
Please register for the conference ASAP. You will receive a pass for the day you speak, plus an optional 50% discount for the second day. The discount code is 2021ZWSpeaker.

b) Upload Bio and Headshot ……. ASAP
After you submit your registration, the confirmation email will include a link to upload your profile. It is a 2-step process: you submit and then the staff has 48-hours to review and post.

c) Review Draft Schedule ……. ASAP
Based on the information you received from your Session Coordinator, please review how your session is represented in the Draft Schedule. Session titles and descriptions are in progress. When ready, we are open to suggestions on how to better convey the essence of your presentation.

d) Meet with Coordinator and Other Speakers ……. TBD – Sept/Oct
We believe it is important for panelists and concurrent session speakers to have a chance to interact and get a sense of what each other will be presenting during their particular session. Your Session Coordinator will organize and facilitate a meeting with your fellow speakers to help prepare for the best possible session.

e) Zoom Presenter Training ……. TBD – Oct (as needed) 
Speakers will be asked to present their own slides at this conference. If you want support navigating Zoom screen sharing and other essential Zoom features, your Session Coordinator will make sure you get the support you need to feel prepared and comfortable on the day of your session. Expect your Session Coordinator to ask about this and to schedule a session as needed.

f) Submit Slide Deck ……. TBD – Early November
Please plan to submit a slide deck that is a good representation of your presentation in early November. You will have the opportunity to submit revised slides, if necessary, up to the week prior to the conference.

g) Zoom Dry Run ……. TBD – Late November/Early December
We want all speakers to feel prepared and comfortable on event day. Plan to join your fellow speakers and Session Coordinator for a brief dry run on Zoom the week or so prior to the conference. Your Session Coordinator will work with you to schedule this. Final slide decks will be due at this time.

Please direct any questions to the Session Coordinator who sent you the initial email.

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