Statewide polystyrene ban passes in Maine

The post Statewide polystyrene ban passes in Maine appeared first on Resource Recycling News. Maine lawmakers approved the first statewide prohibition on polystyrene foodservice packaging last week. The plastics industry quickly criticized the move. Single-use polystyrene foodservice packaging, including take-out containers and service ware, will be banned across Maine beginning in

How recycling robots have spread across North America

The post How recycling robots have spread across North America appeared first on Resource Recycling News. Over just a few years, robotic sorting has gone from a gee-whiz laboratory curiosity to a key technology in a number of different types of facilities. After compiling data from major robot providers, Resource Recycling

Production of recycling-friendly paper liner scales up

The post Production of recycling-friendly paper liner scales up appeared first on Resource Recycling News. Two fiber packaging companies are ramping up production of a recycling-friendly coating for use on foodservice packaging. Commonly used coatings today can inhibit greater container recovery. Cascades Inc. and Sonoco Products Company, through their joint venture

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