Awards Deadline Extended to July 6, 2016

Last Chance! The NRC Awards Deadline has been extended until July 6, 2016. All that needs to be done to nominate a outstanding program or individual is write a 150 word summary and 1000 word document on why they should win! Review the criteria to be included in the documents and submit all documents to this […]

Recycling Scholarships Available to New Orleans College Students

Since 1994, the National Recycling Coalition has awarded scholarships to students interested in the recycling field. This year, the NRC is awarding scholarships to qualified New Orleans area students in the amount of $1,500 each. Recipients will also receive complementary admission to the Resource Recycling Conference from August 30th through September 1st. Also included is a one-year membership to […]

5th Annual USZWBC National Zero Waste Business Conference

Hoping to tune in and learn what’s new with Zero Waste for your business?  Join the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council ( and industry leaders from across the globe in Austin, Texas June 1-4, 2016 for the 5th annual National Zero Waste Business Conference “Tuning in to Zero Waste.”  The event is conducted by USZWBC […]

National Recycling Coalition Sets Record Straight: NRC Calls Shughart’s Attacks on Recycling Dangerously Misleading

William F. Shughart II’s recent Commentary, “Recycling makes greenies go gaga, but it’s a real burden for the rest of us” is replete with unfounded assumptions, gross generalizations and false statements that are dangerously misleading. We at the National Recycling Coalition know that recycling makes sound environmental policy, as well as sound business practice, resulting […]

New NRC Officers

Congratulations to the new NRC Officers for the 2015-16 year! Officers were elected at the December 10, 2015 NRC Board meeting at Sims Municipal Recycling Facility in Brooklyn, NY. Chair of the Board: Julie Rhodes President: Bob Gedert Executive Vice President/CEO: Marjie Griek Additional Vice Presidents: Gary Bilbro and Stephen Bantillo Secretary: Gary Liss Treasurer: […]

Next NRC Board Meeting

The NRC Board will be meeting December 10th in New York City to welcome the new Board and elect new officers. Where: Sims Municipal Recycling – Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility, 472 2nd Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11232 When: 11am – 5pm ET

The National Recycling Coalition 2015 Awards Recipients

This September, The National Recycling Coalition honored recycling awards recipients at the Resource Recycling Conference in Indianapolis. The awards were presented to the recipients at the 2015 Murray J. Fox Scholarship and NRC Annual Awards Luncheon. The awards program is designed to honor and recognize outstanding individuals, programs, and organizations around the country, both for […]

EPA Releases New Sustainable Materials Management Program Strategic Plan

This week the United States Environmental Protection Agency released their new Sustainable Materials Management Program (SMM) Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2017 through 2022. See below for the email from Assistant Administrator of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Mathy Stanislaus, introducing the plan. Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to share with you […]

An Open Letter: National Recycling Coalition’s Response to Media Attacks on Recycling

John Tierney’s effrontery with his “The Reign of Recycling” piece in the New York Times (10/3/15) has once again become evident with his feeble attempt to lay waste to the recycling industry, this after his  original 1996 piece in the New York Times Magazine, “Recycling is Garbage.” “Whether it’s by national newspapers, network TV, or […]

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