Help Develop a Zero Wasting Plan for California!
June 15, 2017 from 10:00am – 11:30am PT
via GoToWebinar

California is leading the world in fighting climate change and modeling a sustainable future. Help keep that leadership going by taking part in the development of a Zero Wasting Plan for California!

Copyright, Eco-Cycle

Join us in building upon the results of the December Workshops and April Webinar:

Hear what CRRA Technical Councils are recommending to include in the Zero Wasting Plan. Offer your own suggestions to make sure the Plan addresses your vision of what CA should be striving for to achieve Zero Wasting.

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Webinar Hosted by: National Recycling Coalition
Promotional Partners: Zero Waste USA, Zero Waste San Diego, Zero Waste Sonoma County, CRRA and Northern California Recycling Association

Brought to you by the Global Recycling Council of the California Resource Recovery Association and Zero Waste Brain Trust










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